If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It!
AA-AIR Company is a service company that strongly believes in planned maintenance. We hear “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” with some frequency when discussing our maintenance program. But consider when an unmaintained system is most likely to break down and what that means to your household. The failure happens when you need the unit the most and a mad scramble ensues to get your home and family comfortable again. Who can stay home from work? How long before a technician can come? How much hassle to your life and schedule is involved in getting an emergency repair call? How much worry is there when you have no heat and the temperatures are very cold? And don’t even mention that this is an unplanned expense.
The last two summer seasons here in the Knoxville area have been much hotter than normal. Last winter was colder than usual too. The service dispatcher and service specialists here at AA-AIR Company can confirm that the homes and businesses we visited to repair an HVAC system during the most extreme part of the season were unlikely to be the members of our maintenance program. This holds true for the homeowners the technicians saw after hours for emergency service.
How much simpler is it to plan for a maintenance visit at your convenience? Our team and our maintenance clients will tell you to go ahead and fix it before it is broken. Maintenance is on sale right now and it is the perfect time to prepare for the cold temperatures ahead.
Need HVAC Service?
Contact the experts at AA-Air Company.
Call us at 865-213-1354!